Bonus Episode: Revisiting the 6 Way Fragmentation of Evangelicalism with author Michael Graham



Everything Just Changed


Bonus Episode: Revisiting the 6 Way Fragmentation of Evangelicalism with author Michael Graham


On our last episode, Bryce and Brad talked about The Six Way Fracturing of Evangelicalism, an article by Michael Graham and Skyler Flowers, and posited that sociology, not theology, is driving the current tumult in the church. Many of you reached out to let us know you appreciated the episode (thanks!), one of whom was author Michael Graham himself. So as we launch a new series of episode of Everything Just Changed, Brad and Bryce talked with Michael about what lead him to write his article, and what unique challenges and opportunities face Christians who seek to be faithful to Scripture while navigating our chaotic culture with nuance.

If you haven't listened to our previous episode Theology or Sociology: What's Driving Divisions Within Christianity?, you'll want to listen to that first.