Everything Just Changed
What does it look like to follow Jesus and love our neighbors in a post-Christian and post-pandemic world? What do we do when everything we thought life was -- an upward trajectory of success -- just changed? Join pastors Brad Edwards and Bryce Hales t...

Recent Episodes

The Cartographers: Curt Thompson's Cure for Individualism
3420.06 | 04-26-2023
How does transformation happen? Is there more to therapy-speak online? What do we do with the toxic fruit of American Christian discipleship? Is there an answer to expressive individualism?In this wide-ranging conversation, Bryce Hales and Ashley Hales, a pastor and PhD, sit down with Curt Thompson, MD, who deftly combines interpersonal neurobiology and Christian faith. We talk about institutions, the lack of fruitfulness amongst Christians, and developing a Christian imagination. A must-listen: thoughtful, warm-hearted with practical tips to help you love your people and your place.The Cartographers Podcast combines academic expertise with pastoral heart to help 21st century Christian leaders chart a way through the changing cultural landscape. Subscribe wherever you get your podcasts.ResourcesCurt's latest book: The Soul of DesireCurt's websiteCurt's podcastMark Oppenheimer, "The Schools that Ban Smartphones," The AtlanticThe Cartographers Podcast, a production of The Willowbrae Institute. The Cartographers is a production of Willowbrae Institute. Find out more at willowbrae.org and sign up for our newsletter. The Cartographers is hosted by Bryce Hales and Ashley Hales and mixed and edited by Nathan Michel. Subscribe today.Megaphone Update test 06/27/23 02:11PM CDT

Introducing The Cartographers
106.08 | 04-19-2023
Mapping the Cultural Landscape for 21st Century Christian Leaders. Everything Just Changed host, Bryce Hales, starts a new podcast: The Cartographers. The Cartographers charts a way forward for 21st century Christian leaders in a changing cultural landscape. Join Bryce Hales and Ashley Hales, pastor and PhD, as they talk with guests about charting a path through culture wars to create vibrant, resilient and fruitful Christian communities. Listen on Apple podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. The Cartographers is a production of The Willowbrae Institute. Find out more and sign up for our newsletter at our website.

PREVIEW --> Life In a Liminal Age (Part 1): An "Unprecedented" Experience
1533.2 | 04-12-2023
SUBSCRIBE to PostEverything via APPLE or SPOTIFYWe all know what it feels like to live in a "liminal age," but describing it is surprisingly difficult. Why? Because it is both an acceleration of something familiar AND it is even more dehumanizing than we thought. In what we hope is an incredibly validating conversation, Brad and John outline the 3 Primary Symptoms of Life in a Liminal Age (Loneliness, Loss of Capacity, and Disorientation) and lay a foundation for a 3-Part mini-series on "remapping culture" in all its surprisingly precedentedimplications... Was this episode helpful or encouraging in some way? Great, you won't want to miss what's next, so subscribe now and send this episode to a friend! Thank you! 🙏We are just getting started! To stay up to date, first and foremost: subscribe! Then follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook to join the dialogue!ResourcesWatch The (Many) Conspiracy Theories About Denver International Airport VideoRead How The Blue Horse ("Blucifer") at DIA Killed it's Creator (no, really)Buy the Faith Among the Faithless BookBuy the You Are Not Your Own BookBuy the Loneliness Epidemic BookListen to the Everything Just Changed Interview with Chris BrunoBuy the Strong and Weak BookRead the "Locus of Control & Pro-Social Behavior" Study via The National Bureau of Economic ResearchRead the Earthquake Causes Fluvial Tsunami in Mississippi Article

A NEW "PostEverything" Vision for a Liminal Age
735.14 | 04-05-2023
It's one thing to experience a change in circumstances, but something wholly different when we experience such a fundamental change in values and assumptions that we no longer HAVE a social consensus to fall back on. It's as if the rules of the game changed at half-time, and now we're playing a sport we don't even recognize.Welcome to our "PostEverything" world, where what came before is no longer, but what's next is still very unclear... but not without hope.Was this episode helpful or encouraging in some way? Great, you won't want to miss what's next, so subscribe now and send this episode to a friend! Thank you! 🙏We are just getting started! To stay up to date, first and foremost: subscribe! Then follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook to join the dialogue!

Bait & Switch: A Non-Anxious Presence with Mark Sayers
5304.08 | 07-26-2022
Mark Sayers is the Senior Leader of Red Church and a writer focusing on the intersection between faith and culture. In this episode of Bait & Switch: The State of Pastors and How Ministry Just Changed, Mark joins Bryce and Brad to discuss the direction of the church post-pandemic. Poetically, Mark explains the disconnect most of us experience while living through a pandemic and shares his perspective on the future shift within the church. Mark also shares what it was like being diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder and how he navigated this part of his journey. Listen now!To learn more, visit our website and follow us on Twitter. You can connect with the EJC community in the Everything Just Changed Facebook Group and share with us what just changed for you. We’d love to hear from you! Don’t forget to subscribe to the EJC Newsletter here.

Bait & Switch: The Resilient Pastor with Glenn Packiam
2938.1 | 06-28-2022
Glenn Packiam is a Pastor at New Life Church in Colorado Springs and the author of several books. In his most recent, The Resilient Pastor, Glenn outlines four current challenges for pastors and four challenges for the church. Today, we learn what led Glenn to write The Resilient Pastor. He and Bryce dive into the eight challenges presented in the book and look at where we can start reacquainting ourselves with God and what we can do to support pastors (hint: praying for others is a great place to start). Listen now!To learn more, visit our website and follow us on Twitter. You can connect with the EJC community in the Everything Just Changed Facebook Group and share with us what just changed for you. We’d love to hear from you! Don’t forget to subscribe to the EJC Newsletter here.

Bait & Switch: Pastoral Ministry in a Therapeutic Age with Will Willimon
4798.12 | 06-14-2022
Will Willimon is a Professor of the Practice of Christian Ministry at Duke Divinity School and joins us for our series, Bait & Switch: The State of Pastors and How Ministry Just Changed. Will discusses pastoral ministry and what our roles as pastors genuinely are. We discuss the need for our churches to recover a biblical understanding of pastoral ministry and the dangers of not doing so. In these talks, we can find and work on solutions to better the well-being of our churches and our pastors. Listen now!To learn more, visit our website and follow us on Twitter. You can connect with the EJC community in the Everything Just Changed Facebook Group and share with us what just changed for you. We’d love to hear from you! Don’t forget to subscribe to the EJC Newsletter here.

Bait & Switch: Bettering the Wellbeing of Our Pastors w/ Jon Medlock
3768.08 | 05-31-2022
Jon Medlock is a pastor who now focuses on researching the health of pastors, making him a perfect guest in our series, Bait & Switch: The State of Pastors and How Ministry Just Changed. Today, Jon joins us in continuing our conversation on pastoral burnout. He helps us navigate why this is happening to pastors, discusses tensions most commonly seen in the field, and what we can do to better the well-being of pastors. Listen now for a deep dive into the research on the health of pastors today.To learn more, visit our website and follow us on Twitter. You can connect with the EJC community in the Everything Just Changed Facebook Group and share with us what just changed for you. We’d love to hear from you! Don’t forget to subscribe to the EJC Newsletter here.

Bait & Switch: 5 Causes of Pastoral Burnout
2804.09 | 05-17-2022
Ministry is challenging. Pastors are present for any challenging circumstances that can come up in our lives. In this episode of Everything Just Changed in our series Bait & Switch: The State of Pastors and How Ministry Just Changed, we look at five ideas that could play a role in pastoral burnout. Our goal with these ideas is to bring people together and start the conversation to prepare us for upcoming storms instead of waiting for them to come to us.To learn more, visit our website and follow us on Twitter. You can connect with the EJC community in the Everything Just Changed Facebook Group and share with us what just changed for you. We’d love to hear from you! Don’t forget to subscribe to the EJC Newsletter here.Resources:38% of U.S. Pastors Have Thought About Quitting Full-Time Ministry in the Past YearThe first Christmas as a layperson: Burned out by the pandemic, many clergy quit in the past yearOur Pulpits Are Full of Empty Preachers

Bait and Switch: The State of Pastors and How Ministry Just Changed
1776.09 | 05-03-2022
The pandemic has significantly impacted the church, with pastors reaching their breaking point and considering leaving. Why? What exactly is happening to pastors? This week on Everything Just Changed we launch the first episode in our new series, Bait & Switch: The State of Pastors and How Ministry Just Changed. We hope to reflect on what's changed and how we can move forward, with guests such as Mark Sayers and John Medlock helping us along the way.To learn more, visit our website and follow us on Twitter. You can connect with the EJC community in the Everything Just Changed Facebook Group and share with us what just changed for you. We’d love to hear from you! Don’t forget to subscribe to the EJC Newsletter here.Resources:38% of U.S. Pastors Have Thought About Quitting Full-Time Ministry in the Past YearThe first Christmas as a layperson: Burned out by the pandemic, many clergy quit in the past yearOur Pulpits Are Full of Empty Preachers